Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Family Proclamation~ Activity Day

We focused on the family for this activity. The requirement is to make a list of ways you can strengthen and bring happiness to your family. Of course we need to do more then make list!
This is the girls worksheet to fulfill the requirement.

Unity game one:
The girls were given some paper plates, piece of wood and some foam squares. (I wish I had cool stuff like step stools and stumps but I don't) They had to start at one end of the gym and make their way to the other side with out touching the gym floor. If they touched the floor they had to start over. On the way across they had to pick up papers with words from the proclamation: work, fun, respect, compassion, etc. They can't do this on their own, they have to work together. They did great. 

After they made it we talked about how the activity related to families and the words they picked up. They talked about helping each other, being kind when we make mistakes, etc. The girls were very insightful. 

Unity game 2 focused on the marriage relationship. I wanted the girls to think about being equal partners, how being kind to each other made it more fun and easier to accomplish the task. Here's what they did:
1. 2 girls shared one shirt and had one arm each to use.
2. They had to wrap a gift together. I gave them paper, tape, scissors and a book to wrap.

We talked about how they related the game to marriage and family.
This activity opened there eyes to how much work is required to make a marriage or any relationship work. 
My 18 year old helped out as my 2nd adult and helped out with this activity since I had an odd number of girls.
Last, we made a cookie mix in a jar and talked about what they can do to "CHIP" in and help their families be successful. I found the cute tag and proclamation on pinterest at etsy and Visit

I didn't take a photo of the flyer but I gave them a chocolate chip cookie with a tag that read, "Families are Forever- Do your part and "chip" in" with the date and time.

Turkey Craft

I always plan a little craft Thanksgiving for all my little family. This year I am having them make a name card to hold their spot at the dinner table. Instead of "gobble" they'll write their name. Just paper cut outs for the base and feathers. I used sticker foam paper for the nose. The legs are pipe cleaner. The body is a Ferrero Rocher candy. Delicious and practical!

candy bar poster for coach

A card to go with the coaches gift.

Hey Coach!
We want to take 5 seconds for the coaches quote of the day. A great coach will have a good and plenty amount of advice from digs are lifesavers, don't let balls slip though your butterfingers, to don't fall to pieces when we have a sour patch. We have had mounds of fun when the serving is hot and the spikes are extra awesome.

Service Manger

I don't know who first came up with this idea but I love it! Grab some old wood and make a little baby Jesus manger to help your family focus on Christ at Christmas. I have a little bag of raffia and overtime the kids serve others they get to add a straw to baby Jesus bed. The goal is to make it comfy in time for His birth Christmas day.

Fun gift for friends and cute craft for youth groups.