Thursday, April 26, 2018

Calendar for Activity day

I don't know about you, but planning things out is so much less stressful then flying by the seat of my pants. I usually have a planning meeting every 5 months with the other activity day leader and we plan out 6 months at a time. I realize this calendar doesn't list everything the activity entailed. We plan in detail as dates get closer.  The general activity is pink, activities we will do black and Faith in God requirements it passes off in green. 

I think this would be a good calendar for YW Personal Progress activities too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Welcome to Activity Day!

New 8 year old activity day girl welcome bag. It included Simply brand OJ, activity calendar, Article of Faith card and pencil, Faith in God book and popcorn.

Recipe Box Activity Day

I ordered recipe boxes from Consumer Crafts for $2.98 each.
I covered them in scrapbook paper. The black and white kitchen paper I bought online and just printed from my computer. I bought it from Damayanti Studio Design and it is called bon appetite.

I printed recipe separators for the boxes and the other leader laminated them.

The activity was simple. The girls brought a copy of their favorite recipe and a sample to share. We just tried the food, cut out our recipe separators, and copied down the recipes we liked from the other girls. Very low key but enjoyable.

 My twins have decided they want their recipe boxes to be family heirlooms someday and are having their grandparents write out a favorite recipe too so they have it in their handwriting.

Flyers for the girls were shaped like whisk. Doing a fun flyer always makes the girls more excited to come.

Mini MTC Activity Day

I am in both YW and Activity Day. So fun! The mini MTC night was so great with the YW that we did a repeat with the 8-11 year old girls. The other activity leader was born in Honduras. So easy, we just called all our activity day girls to the Central America, Honduras Mission!

Activity Schedule:
Gather: 4-4:10
           We had dum dum suckers and let the girls choose one. Then they found the other girl with the                  same sucker flavor and that was who they got to be companions with for the activity. They also got their missionary name badge.

Welcome: 4:10-4:15
MTC training with the full time sister missionaries: 4:15-4:30
             The missionaries taught the girls a door approach then the girls practiced.
Next, they put the Restoration bullet points on the board, set the timer for 3 minutes and showed the girls how to share the Restoration in 3 minutes going back and forth between companionships on each bullet point. Then they set the timer and had the girls practice. It was fun!

Honduras: 4:30-4:50
              The other leader taught the girls about customs, food, the city, dress, etc in Honduras. They even played a game she played as a girl.

P-day Relay: 4:50-5:05
              The girls divided into 2 teams and raced as companions through the relay.
1. Make a bed
2. match the medicine with the problem
3. fold laundry
4. write a letter home (they had to use the paper I gave them to talk about things they had learned from the full time missionaries about sharing the gospel and what they learned about Honduras)
5. Ran to the mailbox and put their letter inside. (I thought most of the letters were so sweet and awesome. I am mailing the letters to their moms this week!)

Closing: 5:05-5:20
           Testimony on being a missionary now and preparing to serve. The other leader made the girls enchiladas like they eat in Honduras. They ate them after the closing prayer.