Strengthening Families & Friendships by expressing love
-Candyland Theme
Lessons and Activities
Plan 15 minutes for each section.
1. Queen Frostine loves cold desserts and ice skating on Snowflake Lake. Although she loves frosty treats her heart is warm and kind. She represents that “What Matters Most” in life is not being made of ice but telling people that you care.
*Watch "What Matters Most" Mormon Message from Pres. Monson
*Make a small gift to give to someone to show love.
(plastic shovels and candy in a clear bag with an "I dig You" tag (like the one from Visit

2. Jolly is the official greeter of the Gumdrop Mountains. It's his job to both greet visitors to the mountains and mine gumdrops from the mountains. Mining and climbing mountains is hard work. Gumdrop Mountain represent that relationships are not easy, we must work on them if we expect them to thrive and survive.
*Thought from a woman who hikes. Comparing the work of hiking to relationships.
*Demo on communication using building blocks
3. Lord Licorice is the main antagonist. He tries to turn everything in Candy Land into licorice. He represents not being the villain in a relationship- but being kind and forgiving.
*Seven minute thought including Pollyanna's movie quote "If you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will". Pres Uchtdorf's talk "Stop It".
*Game- 2 teams. Each have pens and different color post it notes. One women stands at the front. The teams have to focus on her good qualities, write one down on a post it, run and post it on the woman somewhere. They cannot repeat words and you can run post it notes to stick on the sister only one per person at a time. The team with the most post it notes stuck on the women at the end of 1.5 minutes wins.
When we focus on the good in others it covers up everything else.
4.Things can get a little nutty around Candy Land, and nowhere better than at Peanut Acres. Here lives Gramma Nutt. She represents the importance of being a little nutty and having fun together.
*Play a group game. Our sister in charge chose candy themed BINGO since we have lots of elderly. Then they didn't have to move.
5. Gloppy is The friendly monster who you meet in the chocolate swamp. He is one huge blob of chocolate.
Enjoy visiting him after the prayer. (Chocolate dessert)
We put our chocolate desserts in the "swamp"
We put our chocolate desserts in the "swamp"
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