Saturday, March 31, 2018

Education Possible!

I love how serious and mysterious they look!!!

Our Mission possible activity passed off Faith in God for Girls, Preparing for young women: Education is important and also make a family proclamation list.

Purpose: Complete the mission by following clues to a document that explains how to protect the family (Family Proclamation). Education & Knowledge help us be better capable to serve and help others. Each of the girls were educated with a skill (expert card) before the activity to help them solve the clues. Knowledge blesses us and others.
#1 The Flyer
The girls each received a manila envelope marked "Top Secret" a couple days before the activity. Inclosed was the letter above, a lanyard with their secret agent ID (below), their one "expert" card to review before the activity with any supplies and a sticker mustache. I had 11 girls attend.

 Below: The culinary expert was my daughter. She made a sushi roll out of candy.

Below is the medical experts paper to help them solve a mystery during the activity.
 Below: the Globel Studies Expert got all the "map" pictures later in the post.
 Below is the parent information letter I handed to the adults.
 Below: the child care expert had lots of younger siblings.
 The painter below was given a watercolor set to use. You just write the message in white crayon. The girl can paint it with watercolor to see the message. I just wrote, "You are awesome. See you soon!" on this practice one.

 Below: Maps

 Below: Art Expert
Our art expert is paired in all the activity clues with another girl because she has disabilities and required help.

The "Mission Folder" the day of the activity that I gave the girls. I had one girl not show up so her expert card was left in the manila envelope for all the girls to use when needed.
 A little setting the stage.

 The actual activity and clues to find the proclamation on the family document. Any reference to "Agent 99" is me. I just sat at a table in the hall with another leader and watched the girls run around.

#8 is the "painter's" clue. She used her watercolors to paint and read the message I left. I just said "A math teacher saw something. He is helping the drama club today. Go question him. (the next clue was on the stage) #8 was hidden in a balloon since #7 directed them to find something that popped.

Above: The family Proclamation at the end of the clues.
 Below: The scriptures are for the spiritual thought following solving all the clues. They are the scriptures listed in the Faith in God: YW portion.
#12 was with the Family Proclamation. The girls did the list together. I had other copies of the proclamation and  had the parts that referenced what they could do to protect the family highlighted to make it easier since I have ages 8-11. 
When they brought me the list and document we reviewed the scriptures and how knowledge helped them solve the mystery. If they didn't have the knowledge they could be restricted in helping others.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

General Conference is Simply the Best

I love General Conference and the chance to hear from prophets on the earth today. I wanted to encourage the families I visit teach to take the time to watch conference. I put together baskets of 
"General Conference is Simply the Best"
It had Simply brand juice, spring paper cups, homemade chocolate (from simplytaralynn), a cute notebook for mom, a notebook with current prophet and apostle tags for older children (from cranialhiccups) and a conference activity packet (from somewhatsimple)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Mini Missionary Training Night for Youth

Mutual night. It was very successful and the girls loved it. Started with a mission call letter and name badge while they gathered. We invited a speaker to talk about sharing the gospel.
Next, we divided into mission districts. The girls followed the schedule with one youth selected to be the district leader and carry the schedule for the group.
In the culture class the girls learned about the country they were called to. They tried food and learned customs.
P-day was a fun relay race. The girls raced to make beds, fold laundry, match medicine to one of 6 aliments, and make a quesadilla. 
In Preach My gospel the missionaries taught how to give a first discussion in under 3 minutes! Then they talked about sharing the gospel. 
We met back up for dessert. I am going to do it for activity day girls too!

MTC Experience

6:45-7:15 Pass out Mission calls as the YW arrive

7:10 Welcome
Welcome to the MTC: 
Opening Song: Called to Serve
Opening Prayer: 
Spiritual Thought:
Split up into Districts

7:30, 7:45, 8:00 Class Rotations
Cultural Class & District Photo
7:30pm: Room 104: Asian:
7:45pm: Room 105: South America:
8:00pm: Room106: Europe: 
Preach My Gospel: Sister Missionaries: Relief Society Room 
P-Day Relays: Room 101-102

Asian District
7:30 Cultural Class Room
7:45 P-Day Room
8:00 Preach My Gospel

South American District
7:30 Preach My Gospel
7:45 Cultural Class
8:00 P-Day Room

European District
7:30 P-Day 
7:45 Preach My Gospel
8:00 Cultural Class

8:20 Closing Prayer and Refreshments:
 Fill in the last name with chalk marker for missionary name badges.
Flyer and Mission Call letter

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Cake Decorating: Activity Day

 Teaching the girls how to fill, ice and decorate a cake. They all made lambs with a chocolate ganache filling.

Jack-o-lantern Floats

It was family night. We have a gospel related lesson, play a game and end with a treat. It was my turn to pick the treat and I did Jack-o-lantern floats.
Use clear cups
Draw a face using a sharpie marker
fill with vanilla ice cream and orange juice

Missionary Dinner: Activity Day

Tonights activity was making dinner for the missionaries serving in our ward. I did nothing but sit on a stool and supervise :). The girls divided into groups and made enchiladas, salad, mexican rice and decorated and filled cupcakes.

Serve Our Family: Activity Day

 We started this activity, serving our families, with sharing ideas on how to show love by: good works, our words, giving gifts and our time.
The girls made a gift for their family, love bug cookies. I got the idea from this site.

I didn't take picture, but next we filled bags with heart candy and notes and cards to help the girls accomplish their goals to show love and serve their family for the week.

 We sent these photos to their parents.