Monday, March 19, 2018

Mini Missionary Training Night for Youth

Mutual night. It was very successful and the girls loved it. Started with a mission call letter and name badge while they gathered. We invited a speaker to talk about sharing the gospel.
Next, we divided into mission districts. The girls followed the schedule with one youth selected to be the district leader and carry the schedule for the group.
In the culture class the girls learned about the country they were called to. They tried food and learned customs.
P-day was a fun relay race. The girls raced to make beds, fold laundry, match medicine to one of 6 aliments, and make a quesadilla. 
In Preach My gospel the missionaries taught how to give a first discussion in under 3 minutes! Then they talked about sharing the gospel. 
We met back up for dessert. I am going to do it for activity day girls too!

MTC Experience

6:45-7:15 Pass out Mission calls as the YW arrive

7:10 Welcome
Welcome to the MTC: 
Opening Song: Called to Serve
Opening Prayer: 
Spiritual Thought:
Split up into Districts

7:30, 7:45, 8:00 Class Rotations
Cultural Class & District Photo
7:30pm: Room 104: Asian:
7:45pm: Room 105: South America:
8:00pm: Room106: Europe: 
Preach My Gospel: Sister Missionaries: Relief Society Room 
P-Day Relays: Room 101-102

Asian District
7:30 Cultural Class Room
7:45 P-Day Room
8:00 Preach My Gospel

South American District
7:30 Preach My Gospel
7:45 Cultural Class
8:00 P-Day Room

European District
7:30 P-Day 
7:45 Preach My Gospel
8:00 Cultural Class

8:20 Closing Prayer and Refreshments:
 Fill in the last name with chalk marker for missionary name badges.
Flyer and Mission Call letter

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