Friday, September 14, 2018

Family & Personal History Activity

 The girls put together these cute family and personal history books for the activity. It was more preparation for me because I gathered the photos and stories for each girl in advance. Then I put the story, photos and stickers or embellishments in a bag and labeled it for each page in the book. This just made it faster for the girls to assemble. I would not do that for older girls.

Some of the girls had gaps in their books but that was ok.
One girl had divorced parents. I still had her do the wedding photo and story because they are both involved in her life and love her. She also included the step dads photo and story as well- work with the parent for what would be best.

I printed this quote for each girls book to have on page 1,
"The more connected we feel with our righteous forefathers, the more likely we are to make wise and righteous choices." William R. Walker
 Put their title sticker on. These small, blank book have been on sale frequently at Target. I'm sure you could also find them online.
 Page 2-3. Family photo- my girls picked an older one.
 Page 4-5. Photo of grandparents and their wedding story
 Page 6-7. Photo of great grandparents and story if available
 Page 8-9. The parents wedding story and their baby story
 Page 10-11. Baby photos and any other stories you want to include
 Page 12-13. Baptism photos, testimony and their memories of baptism
Last page. We included a family recipe from both mom and dads side of the family with a story.
 When I was a "Merry Miss' (activity days a long time ago) My group cross stitched "Treasures of My Life" and the leaders put it on a fabric binder for our personal history. 30 years later I still have mine and my kids enjoy looking at old report cards, notes, homecoming corsages and photo, etc. I wanted my activity girls to experience the same thing.

My assistant enjoys sewing so she made a large covered binder for each girl. We decided to just print out the saying on heavy paper. We let the girls go through my book and talked to them about keeping a personal history of their own. The heritage books we made during the activity were to go inside.
 All the girls were excited. Here is the inside of one of their books to give an idea.

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